Artist lifestyle

What is the artist lifestyle?

I would describe the artist lifestyle from my own experience. It is totally subjective and up to the creativity of the artist.

In my lifestyle I create art, research ideas, and explore my other interests. I create art on a daily basis. It may be finished or in progress. I also travel to locations or events to aid my creative ideas.

Being an artist, I experience beauty and abundance from within and the world around me. I travel and bring a sketchbook with me. I curate art exhibits, present my art, public speak about my art and other topics, and also attend art shows and museums.

I get to contemplate on life and create something. Its a fun experience. It unwinds my mind and I have so much fun! Art has opened many doors for me. It is a colorful lifestyle with a ever expanding horizon!


Refugio on exhibit!


12 week year my thoughts and experience