Oil painting and patience

When I started oil painting I did not really understand the process. I was excited to paint. I used acrylic paints and thought it would be similar. I learned the hard way that you cannot use water to thin oil paints. Unless you use water soluble oil paints. But I did not know they existed! Haha!

After researching, I found out the process and materials for oil painting. This medium does require some patience. If you are slightly impatient, you can use a fast drying medium. Still the drying time will take at least a day in between layers.

I appreciate the slow drying time. It helps me look at my artwork from a different perspective. I have to work with it and then give it a break. We need to step back and reflect.

Many times we want to rush into work or activities. Remember thought that it is healthy to pause and reflect. If you do not, you will not enjoy the process. Then you will wonder why time flies so fast! Simply you are not being present enough.

If you work too fast you will overlook important details. So I embrace this quality of oil painting. Lean in to the present to enjoy its benefits.


Stress relief by writing


Tropical artist in New England