Time and Alignment

What is time? What is alignment?

Throughout your education you have heard that time is of the essence. You may have been stressed when studying for an exam. You may also have been late on submitting that essay. Well turns out time is not entirely the concern. It’s about alignment. And specifically alignment of your mind, energy, and actions.

In short, if you align your mind with the goals towards what you want, you will achieve them. This can look like actionable steps for a goal. It is best to take actions in alignment with your goals. That way you are in the direction of your goal. Taking action just for action, does not neccessarily get you what you want. You could be doing the exact opposite of getting closer to what you really want.

Time is a fixed variable in life. You cannot control it. So it is not about gaining more time or trying to control it. It is more about controlling yourself. Controlling your beliefs, actions,and plans. There are tasks that do not contribute to your goals and life. So learn to remove them, delegate them, or schedule them so you can dedicate your energy to what is really important. That which will give you the most results you are looking for.

If you were to take time out of the equation, and do the things you want to do for your goals and desires, you will see that you can achieve them. Its important that you learn to autoregulate yourself to perform your best in life. And remember, everything is working out for you and there is an abundance of time. Sometimes, you do not have to do a lot, it may be about doing specific actions, being in certain places, and interacting with people amd opportunities, that can help you get closer to your goals. So instead of diving headfirst into your next task on your to do list, take a moment to think if it is a productive task.

When you are aligned, everything seems to happen in perfect timing. Align your plans and actions and you will an abundance of time and freedom.


Keeping a sketchbook


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