Farewell 2021

The day before New Years I was in my cozy room. Outside it was snowing flurries which I was highly grateful for. Throughout December it barely snowed! Seeing those flurries gave me hope and a feeling of excitement. As I prepared my painting materials, I looked at my self portrait. I had started the painting months ago. But for some reason I never finished it. Maybe it was my constant busyness or procrastination that held me back. But now in front of me, I saw a canvas that wanted to become a finished painting flourishing with color and life!

And so I grabbed my brushes, laid out my color palette, and painted boldly that winter evening. I ignored the whisper of perfectionism that makes me sometimes hesitate to create in fear of failure and imperfection. There was no time for a conversation with it. Finally, after painting for three hours straight, I stood back and gazed at my painting so far. It almost seemed like it had a life of it’s own and an identity of itself. With satisfaction I tucked my materials away to allow the canvas to dry with this new vivid layer of oil pigments. After it is dried, I will continue to paint.

Farewell to 2021 and hesitations.


Create a wave of positive momentum


Drawing flowers for self acceptance