Create a wave of positive momentum

You might wonder how a scientific term like momentum has anything to do with your life. Yet it has defined your life up to now and will continue to do so for good and bad unless you understand it an channel it in your favor. Think of momentum as a row of dominos, where one domino that falls will tip the others too. Then all the dominos continue to fall in a direction. Momentum is powerful because an object moving with built up momentum will be harder to slow down.

Your feelings, thoughts, decisions, and actions create momentum. Every day you are participating in this natural law. This is great news for you because it means you can create positive momentum for your life. You can create a chain reaction of positive experiences and opportunities, by living in a way that creates positive momentum.

For example, a small comet that falls onto earth can have a large impact. A bullet that is shot has a high impact. Why? Because momentum is made up of mass and velocity. A bullet shot will have high momentum because even though it has low mass, it has rapid velocity. So no matter how heavy or small a step you are taking, it is important in creating momentum. It accumulates over time. So even if you have a small obstacle along the way, if you gathered plenty of momentum it will be difficult to stop you.

Now one of the key things you must do to enjoy 2022, is create a wave of positive momentum. How?

  1. Identify how you would be satisfied and happy this year

If you want to create a life of endless positive momentum, you must have clarity on what you want. Even if it is simple. Having an intention is important because all the actions you will take must be aligned with your intention. To be satisfied is not the same as settling. When you settle on something, it may be enough, but it might not bring you satisfaction. Satisfaction is the feeling of wholeness. Nothing can be added or taken away from the experience to change how you feel. You are satisfied. It’s just right and perfect to you! That is the key word,you. You define satisfaction for yourself.

2. Think of what steps you can take that are aligned with what you want

In this year, you must stop doing 80% of what is not bringing you the results you want. You must do what will bring you the most results. According to the Pareto principle, it is 20% of what you are not doing that can give you the most benefits and or results. Imagine that! You only have to do a handful of actions that can actually change your life for the best and give you 80% of the results you are seeking. Write down your goals, and think what small steps can you take to get the ball rolling in a specific path. You do not have to make your goals small. But you have to make the steps actionable so you are not overwhelmed with having to take huge steps you are not prepared for yet. Every step counts. If you cannot run yet that is fine. Start walking. Keep your eye on the prize.

3. Take your first step

Now that you have an idea of what you want for your life and listed things you can do to go in that direction, it's time to get that momentum rolling! Start with a “small” step to create momentum. The reason why this is so powerful is because if you take the smallest step, you are going to move energy in that direction. If you take a bit of your energy each day and focus it on a goal you have in mind, you will see amazing progress. The point is to get moving. When a rollercoaster starts to move, it moves slowly to reach a point where it will then drop, because once it goes down, it will have so much momentum that it will move on its own. So you must set up the small steps that will prepare you and condition you to make more impactful decisions and actions. That way you will automatically move towards your goal because the momentum you created is carrying you there. You will have so much momentum and force with you that nothing will be able to stand in your way and you will reach your destination.

4. Keep it going

After taking your first step in making momentum, keep it going. See, the wonderful thing about momentum is how impactful it is. It does not stop in one area of your life. It expands and flows into other areas of your life too. So this year, dream big. And if at the end of the year you do not arrive to your goal, that is fine. Because the momentum you set up will get you there. Along the way you will experience the joy of satisfaction, accomplishment, and creation. The journey is one of the greatest pleasures you will have. And then once you achieve your goals, you create new goals and desires for yourself. And you keep the momentum going. Imagine an entire life of achievement after achievement that you create and define for yourself. You owe it to yourself to enjoy each day of your life. So give yourself this year, the gift of creating momentum!


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Farewell 2021